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how to know if someone is lying

how to know if someone is lying

once told me that a lying witness can tell a credible story starting with A and ending with Z, but not the other way around. When told to repeat the story, but to start with the end and finish with the beginning, they fail. To lie “backwards” is very, VERY difficult.

When a person lies:

1) Eyes' Role:

"Eye is the Mirror of Mind" is a saying;

So look at the eyes of the speaker 

i) If he /She Can't look into your eyes (avoids eye contact) it seems that He is not telling truth or hiding something

ii)If the person looks downward during speaking instead of looking into face.

iii) If you notice a Naughty smile of his/her eyes, with shaking of head or frequent blinks

2)Role of Head :

how to know if someone is lying According to Psychology,

i) If a Person is Lying,  He/She nods his/her head in excessive Manner.

ii) If A person is trying to wheedle (to cheat by cajolery) you, he/She is noticedable to passes his/her hands through the hair. (It is also said that, If a person is trying to attract you,may does the same thing).

3)Role of Body:

You will notice a change of his/her body movement, If he/she is lying.

i) Maximum time, A lier used to have an itch to beat (used to flog).

ii) Shaking of Hands during lieing

iii) frequent wring or rubbing of hands.

Type of Speaking

It varies person to person.

Some people repeat words /sentences (to emphasize this fact) during lieing

Some people shouts to dominate the truth (caution : One may shouts from Anger)

Some remain silent of previously said lies only when they conversate with two or more than two people at a time.

Some people stammering during lying.

Some of them gasp or gulp during speaking.

The Above may happens due to other reason also. So,First judge this person then apply this psychological theory.

Look at the persons eyes. If he is reluctant to make constant eye contact with you, it may mean hes lying.

Take a look at his tone. If he is stammering, maybe he is hiding something.

One of the best methods to find if someone is lying is to ask him questions related to the story he told. If he answers quickly and satisfactorily, maybe he is telling the truth.

Now reactions may vary.

In case the lie being told is highly untolerable getting angry is obvious.

But before you react and mess things up, make sure you confirm that what you are hearing is lie.

Of course body language speaks a lot, but it maybe deceptive at times. So assemble a concrete proof to validate the lie and only then react.

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