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learn how to play chess

 learn how to play chess to play chess for beginners pdf

2.step by step chess moves to win chess game in 4 moves

4.special rules for pawns in chess or

special chess rules

5.strategy of chess for beginners

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One of the most well-known strategy board games in the world is chess. On an 88 checkerboard with 64 squares and two players, the game is played. Chess, which originated in the seventh century and is based on the ancient Indian game "chaturanga," requires extensive brain activity in all six areas, which promotes healthy exercise and mental development. Since chess is a tactical indoor game, there is no physical risk. It is never too late to start learning something new. One can begin playing it at whatever stage in life. Here's how beginners can play chess and learn various win moves to make your job easier. to play chess for beginners 

You need to be familiar with the chess pieces before discussing how to play. There are 6 unique sorts of pieces in both highly contrasting variety. A game with 16 pieces of the same color is played by each participant. The 6 pieces (the number in the section signifies the quantity of that part in a variety) are:

King, Queen, Bishop, Rook, Knight, and Pawn (8)

2.Step by step chess moves

chess board 

A light-colored white block always appears on the extreme right side of the first row on the chessboard. Albeit this appears to have no effect in the game it is smarter to begin the correct way while figuring out how to play chess. to play each piece on the board| how to play chess for beginners


The bits of the two tones are organized on the last 2 lines of inverse sides (one variety on each side). In the first place, the 2 rooks are situated at the two corners, trailed by 2 knights close to each rook, trailed by the 2 clerics close to each knight. The queen is then set on a block of the same color, like a black and white queen on a black and white block. Finally, the kings are placed on the last block. each piece on the board |how to play chess for beginners

The game generally begins with the development of a white piece. After that, on alternate turns, each participant moves one piece at a time. In proficient games, the white variety choice is concluded by a throw while in cordial games, the less experienced player can be given the advantage of the primary move.

All of the pieces adhere to some common movement rules, while others are unique to each piece. Common guidelines include:

Each square can only hold one piece at a time.

Pieces can't travel through one another aside from Knight which can get around different pieces.

Pieces cannot substitute for pieces of the same color, but they can substitute for pieces of the opposite color by capturing it (more on this later).

Now that we know the normal standards, we should get into explicit guidelines engaged with each piece's development while playing chess.

The king

The Ruler is the main piece in the game and yet one of the most fragile as well. In any direction (vertical, horizontal, or diagonal), it can only move one square at a time. In any case, a lord can't move to a square that is under check (made sense of later) by the rival.

The queen

The Queen is regarded as the most powerful component. She can go as far as she wants in any direction, one at a time, as long as she follows the rules.

The rook

The common rules allow rooks to move as far as they can both vertically and horizontally. When used together, the two Rooks protect one another and are potent.

The bishop 

On the board, bishops move diagonally. Their diagonal movement ensures that they remain on the same colored block at all times. A different colored block serves as the foundation for each Bishop.

The knight 

Knights move two blocks in one direction, then one block in the opposite direction without moving diagonally. On the board, this kind of movement creates an L shape. Knights can likewise get around different pieces in their development.

The pawn

One block at a time is moved forward by pawns. It can likewise move 2 blocks yet just in its most memorable move. The only time pawns can change their direction is when they capture another piece, which is covered in the following section.

How to capture an opponent’s piece | How to learn chess

With the exception of Pawn, all of the pieces capture an opponent's piece when it crosses their path. In the wake of catching a piece, the catching piece takes the place of the caught piece. A piece's color cannot be captured by another piece. A piece is removed from the board after it is captured by the opponent because it can no longer be used in the game.

When an opponent's piece is placed on the diagonal front block in relation to the Pawn, capturing is only possible. The pawn will therefore enter the diagonal front block while capturing the piece. As a result, its movement direction changes.

How to win game of chess

A Lord is supposed to be under wraps when it is compromised by a rival's piece for example at the point when a rival's piece is in a situation to catch the Lord in its best course of action. To get out of check, a player can only do these three things:

Move the Lord to a protected block
Utilize one more part of block the check
Catch the piece really looking at the Ruler
A player can't move the lord to a place that will cause a mind

Instant checkmate

A King is in a state of checkmate if:

It is under check.
It is unable to move to an unaffected safe block.
The opponent's checking piece cannot be captured by any other piece.
The game is won by the player who forces checkmate on the other player's king.


Draws do not always result in a checkmate. The following scenarios can result in a game being declared a draw:

Stalemate (More on this later) In 50 moves, no player has moved a pawn or captured a piece.
There are not enough pieces on the board to force a checkmate.
In a game, the exact position is repeated.
Players consent to a draw.

Special Rules | How to learn chess

The game of chess has a number of unique moves and rules that require their own separate mention.

Promotion of the pawn |chess moves to win

Any other piece, with the exception of the King, can replace a Pawn once it reaches the final row, row 8. The new piece will be placed exactly where the Pawn was. The FIDE chess rules require the replacement of the pawn with a new piece. Since the queen is the game's strongest piece, it is the best option for anyone in this situation.

En Passant | Chess moves to win

If Pawn moves up two blocks in its first move and ends up next to the opponent's pawn, Then the rival has the choice of catching the pawn by moving it to the slanting void block. However, only that move is eligible for the option.

Castling | chess moves to win

The King moves two blocks toward the Rook if certain conditions are met, and the Rook immediately approaches the block on the King's opposite side. The essentials for the move are:

Both Lord and Rook should be unaffected.
No different pieces ought to be available between them.
Before the move, the King should not be under or above a check.
If the aforementioned conditions are met, casting can be performed in either horizontal direction. Casting in the opposite direction is called the Kingside, while casting in the direction of the Queen's position is called Queenside. Regardless of which side the King is on, the Rook only moves two squares and immediately moves to the opposite side block next to the King. This is an extraordinary move since it harbors 2 maneuvers in one.

Basic Strategy | How to play chess for beginners | Chess moves to win | 

Piece Value When playing tactics, one must consider the value of each piece to determine which moves to prioritize. The six types of pieces are listed in general order of decreasing value:

Queen Rook Knight, Bishop Pawn Don't move the same piece twice. You should plan your moves from the beginning. Moving a similar piece, over and over, is major areas of strength for an of vulnerability. It opens your weakness to the rival. By allowing the opposition to advance, you lose those moves and produce pressure that is not necessary.

Castle the King | Chess moves that help you win According to its name, casting the King will protect it much better than its general position. Continuously attempt to palace the lord at the earliest opportunity.

Win with chess moves that dominate the center of the board. The center of the board has full access to the board. The game tends to be controlled by the person in charge of the center.

The pawns are the most un-strong with regards to flexibility in development. However, a game's outcome is determined by where each of those eight small pieces are positioned on the board. Continuously think long and hard about moving your pawn as they can't move back.

Make sure you practice!
Chess is a strategy and tactics game. Your performance improves as you play the board game if you are more alert. You need to put in more time and practice in order to become familiar with the game's strategies and moves.

How can chess be won?
The best strategy and focus for winning the game is to start with confidence, and once you get off to a good start, victory is a sure thing. Figure out how to play chess with different significant moves in the event that you are a fledgling.

How to utilize pawns while playing chess?
Utilization of pawns as the primary line protection and there by ensuring that toward the end you have a greater number of pawns than rivals, will help in changing it over completely to a greater power like sovereign.

While playing chess, which chess piece is the most powerful?

Queen is the most impressive piece in the chess game.

Is playing chess good for your intelligence?

Playing chess makes your psyche sharp and the ability to reason is gotten to the next level. Additionally, the ability to anticipate future events grows.

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