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who is your real best friend

 how to know who is your real friend

who is your real best friend

How can you tell if someone is truly a friend? It can be difficult to meet someone with whom you really get along.

First, let's examine what it means to be a true friend:

A genuine companion is somebody you can depend on when you want it. They approach you with deference, and being around them encourages you. They care about your best interests. You feel open to acting naturally with them, and you can trust them. One can also refer to a true friend as a good friend or a real friend.

You will learn signs in this guide that can help you recognize the characteristics of a genuine friend.

real friends signs

It can be challenging to determine whether or not a person is a good friend. You can use these signs to tell if someone is a real friend. The 26 characteristics of a genuine friend are listed below.

1. They make you feel good 

They make you feel good You ought to feel good when you hang out with friends. In addition, you ought to leave with a positive impression.[2,4] If they consistently make you feel bad or put you down, your relationship lacks something essential.

2.they accept you for who are you

When you have a true friend, you don't have to pretend to be someone else in order to fit in or feel accepted. They don't attempt to transform you or cause you to act with a particular goal in mind.

You can let go of your mask, unwind, and be yourself with your friend.

3.they make you a better person 

They call you out when you're wrong (in a constructive way) and make you a better person A true friend makes you better in many ways.

They ensure you're grounded and have both of your feet on the planet.

They hold you accountable for your objectives and values.

They assist you in achieving your full potential.

Last but not least, they expect you to remain the amazing individual that you are.

4. They honest and trustworthy 

They are trustworthy and honest Honesty is an essential component of any healthy friendship. You need to be able to rely on your friend to tell you the truth and keep their word.

Assuming you notice that they're deceiving you or others, it's a sign they're not excessively reliable. Another sign they're not reliable is on the off chance that they frequently guarantee you things or say they will follow through with something.

5. They share personal and intimate things with you

They open up about the private aspects of their lives and their feelings to you. The closer and more intimate you are with one another, the stronger your friendship is.[3,5] Also, your fellowship must open dependent upon them. They trust you and value your friendship if they open up to you.

6. They apologize when they wer hurt you

When someone hurts you, they say sorry. Even people we love can hurt us, usually by accident. True friends, on the other hand, apologize when they realize they have hurt you.

7. They care about your feelings 

They care about how you feel If they try to make you feel good and at ease around them, you can tell that they care about how you feel. When you see each other, they don't just ignore how you feel; making you feel good is important to them.

8. They want to do stuff you both like that

They maintain that should do stuff you both like

A genuine companion doesn't have to choose everything themselves. They're not predominant and bossy. They want to engage in activities you both enjoy.

People even strongly prefer friends who appear less dominant, as has been observed.

9. They support you

You realize that when you're in a harsh spot, your companion is there to help you. Same thing on the off chance that you're holding back nothing objective throughout everyday life, your companion upholds you to continue onward.

A genuine companion generally has you covered.

Note that a genuine companion shouldn't necessarily concur with you. They will inform you (in a supportive manner) when it is abundantly clear that you are in the wrong. Telling you you're off-base is likewise a sort of help - they support you in using sound judgment over the course of life.

10. They pay attention to you

At the point when you have something essential to say, or when you need to be heard, you realize your companion will tune in. In a genuine friendship, it's important to feel heard.

If your friend doesn't listen to you and keeps talking about themselves, that's a bad sign.

11. they respect you

They respect you Respect indicates that you value the individual. You hold their sentiments, considerations, feelings, and freedoms in high respect.

Listening to you, being open with you, and making an effort to maintain a positive relationship with you are all signs of respect from a genuine friend. Thus, regard is something reflected in the majority of the signs we discuss in this article.

12. they intrested in your life

They are curious about what's going on in your life A genuine friend is curious about what's going on in your life and asks you questions about what's going on. If they follow up on things you've discussed in the past, you can tell if they are truly interested.

13. They keep in touch with you. 

When you haven't heard from them in a while, they call, text, or message you. They make an effort to keep up with what's going on with you and also talk about what's going on in their own lives. They can also stay in touch via popular social media platforms like Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram.

Keep in mind that you are also responsible for keeping in touch with them; it is not all their fault.

14. They cause you to feel included

Here are a few different ways a genuine companion can cause you to feel included:

They acquaint you with their companions and perhaps their loved ones

They welcome you to social exercises with normal companions

The discussion with you in bunch discussions

They don't let you be at get-togethers

They don't cause you to get a handle on left

15. They don't judge you

Everyone has secrets and flaws, but no one worth their salt will make you feel bad about them. We ought to have the option to open up to our companions, realizing that they won't pass judgment on us. They do not judge us and allow us to be who we are.

16. They don't deliberately hurt you feelings

They don't mean to make you feel bad A really bad friend will often try to hurt you, control you, make you feel bad, or make you feel bad.

A true friend almost never does any of these things, at best. But the most important thing is that when you tell them they hurt you, they apologize and try to make amends.

17. They make you laugh and laugh with you

They laugh with you and make you laugh as well. Humor is important. Even though a silly joke is all you need to make people laugh, not everyone can be a comedic genius. Everything doesn't need to be despondency. You can laugh at the difficulties of life with a true friend.

18. They are happy for you when something good happens to you

When something good happens to you, your friend is happy for you. If you get good news or accomplish something in your life, they are happy for you.

They don't try to beat you, get jealous, or be better than you.

19. They don't joke at yours expenses

 They don't make fun of you in jokes. Have you ever heard someone say, "It was just a joke," even if they didn't find it funny? Or on the other hand "Mightn't you at any point try and take a joke?".

It is not acceptable to make jokes that make you feel bad about yourself, and true friends try to avoid them.

20. When you accidentally hurt

 someone, they tell you. Sometimes we hurt our friends without even realizing it. It could have been something we said or did, or it could have been that we did not invite them to an event they really wanted to attend.

21. They tell you when you're wrong 

True friends also tell you when you're wrong or misinformed, even if they don't always agree with you. But they do it in a positive and helpful way.

22. They excuse you

A genuine companion doesn't hold resentment against you in view of your previous slip-ups. They move on and forget. Furthermore, Assuming they're profoundly disturbed, they raise the issue with you so you can settle it together.

A genuine friendship is one that values forgiveness and forgiving one another. They don't just talk about themselves It's normal for people to talk about themselves. However, it's not a good sign when every conversation is dominated by talking about their life, relationships, dreams, opinions, and interests.

23. They don't just talk about themselves

 It's normal for people to talk about themselves. However, it's not a good sign when every conversation is dominated by talking about their life, relationships, dreams, opinions, and interests.

24. They are reliable

At the point when you want your companion, they're there for you. You are aware that you can rely on them to assist you. They are trustworthy and keep their word. On the off chance that they make you a commitment, they keep it.

A questionable companion will frequently say they'll really do stuff and don't do it or don't show up when you've made arrangements

25. They are interested in your friendship

 A genuine friendship should be important to both parties. It indicates that you value and respect your friendship. It implies you're willing to try to make all the difference for it. Additionally, it indicates that you are willing to apologise and let go of your ego if doing so aids in saving your friendship.

26. They don't feel like an rivel 

A companion ought not be your opponent, they ought to be your partner. That implies that anything great that happens to them feels better to you, and beneficial things happening to you feel better to your companion.

26 sign of rel friends

real friends signs

sign of a real friend

sign of real friends

This are the real friends signs

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